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Bestuhlung in Konferenzraum

Talks & Keynotes: 
Book Marlene A. Magerl as a speaker

Conveying research and practice in a captivating way: 

That is what I consider my job as a speaker.

I am passionate about the field of mental health in business, life coaching and my work between the worlds of research and practice. There is nothing more exciting for me that to share my knowledge and experience with others and I do so in a heartfelt, interesting and humorous way!

The topic of work and mental health has accompanied me since I started business school almost 10 years ago. Medical studies and research underpin my experience with the necessary scientific knowledge. I am well acquainted with both the economic-practical side and the scientific-theoretical side of things.


Thanks to over 8.5 years in marketing management and business, storytelling is one of my core competencies. As such, transporting my knowledge from business, medicine and coaching to a lay audience couldn't bring me any more pleasure. 

That being said - I of course don't want to lecture anyone.

I want to convey the basics, empower and inspire my listeners.

My goal is to present mental health as a source of opportunity and to show how we can combine challenging jobs with mental wellbeing! 

I am happy to talk both in German and English.

Marlene A. Magerl Speaker Psychische Gesundheit Mentale Stärke Vorträge Mental Health Coaching

A selection of possible topics: 

Mental Health 101:
Basic mental health knowledge

Mental health is a hot topic these days. Nevertheless, it is one of the biggest taboo subjects in business. Let's solve the mystery together! Mental health is definable, tangible, measurable and - manageable. Without any hocus-pocus or complicated technical language, I explain the basics and give you the first impulses to take action on your own mental wellbeing.

Burnout before 35?
Why young generations seem so affected

Resilience seems low and stress high among young workers. Allegedly, Millennials and Generation Z are  particularly sensitive to work stress. Is that actually the case?
How can we support these generations? And how do we manage to get the older generations on board as well? This talk offers hard facts and at the same time invites you to cultivate more empathy. 

The connection between gender and mental health problems

Women are twice as likely to suffer from mental illness as men. People from the LGBTQIA + community even more often. But men are not immune to psychological complaints either. The problem is fuelled by the high stigma surrounding mental health.

Let's take a look at the causes and effects, as well as ways in which we can do something about this discrepancy. 

Mental health as a USP for employers

High fluctuation, sick leave and a shortage of skilled workers cause problems for many employers. Every skilled worker in Europe has a job - the only way to attract new staff is to offer more attractive conditions than the competition. It is thereby no longer enough to pay a higher salary. I provide ideas on how you can use the topic of mental health to attract and retain employees.

Booking & inquiries

Thank you for your interest! 

Please submit your request using the form below.
I will get in touch with you at short notice.

Looking forward to discussing your ideas soon!

Marlene A. Magerl

Thank you for your inquiry!

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