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Test your mental strength!

Most of the time, burnout comes very unexpected. 

A little less sleep, a little more stress...
We often take the signs of psychological strain as typical everyday problems. These signs can, however, be easily measured and documented to prevent burnout before it begins..


Test yourself now! I'll get back to you with a personal video message
in less than a week. 

How much do you identify with your work?
Do you feel like you and your work are valued at the workplace?
Do you have the feeling that you are overworked?
Do you go to work when you are unwell?
Do you have the feeling that there isn't enough room for your private life?
Do you have enough time and energy to follow your hobbys and interests?
Do you feel fit and well-rested in the morning?

Thank you for submitting your results! 
I will get back to you with a personalized video message
within a week.


Disclaimer: This test is only for my personal assessment of your situation and does not guarantee completeness.  

Marlene A. Magerl Coach psychische Gesundheit Burnout Überarbeitung Stress Work Life Balance
Marlene A. Magerl Work & Health Consulting Test Mentale Stärke Gesundheitscoaching Psychis
Marlene A. Magerl Mental Health Coach Business Beratung Mentale Stärke
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